Simple Method Of Testing Gold Land Area

      In collecting test samples contained in the soil prior to exploration activities in areas that have been analyzed there is an economic ore mineral content, it is necessary to conduct excavation activities at a certain point to obtain evidence of rock specimens that can later be analyzed in the laboratory. Intake of rocks in the soil was aimed to obtain specific results of the analysis of economic ore mineral content in order to support the holding of an activity will step exploration. Investigations of rocks in the soil is done by digging a hole at a certain point in the detection of the existence of metallic elements and is usually done by digging test wells (test pit) or test trench excavation method (Trench)

SIMPLE METHOD OF TEST PIT: a method of extracting process by making a hole at a certain point at coordinates containing the metal in the soil. And is one way in the search for or assurance of continuous sediment layers in the vertical direction. Making this test well done if needed greater depth (> 2.5 m).
This test wells commonly performed on an exploration of deposits related to weathering and layered deposits:
  • In the sediment layer, making the test wells intended to receive periodic layers in the direction of the slope, roof and floor lithology variations, layer thickness, and sediment characteristics in a vertical variation, and can be used as a location for example is usually made ​​with a deep test wells to penetrate the whole layer of sediment mineralization which can be either gold vein 
  • In the sediment associated with weathering (laterite or residual), manufacture of test wells is intended to get the boundaries of the zone layer (soil zone, a zone of residual laterite zone), the thickness of each zone, the vertical variation of each zone, as well as in row Test wells can be done by using the form of sediment.
In general, test wells are made with a large opening 3m -5 m with a depth varies in accordance with the purpose of making the test wells. On lateritic sediment or residual While depth depends on the depth of the mineral sediment or bedrock (bedrock) and stability (stability) test with both walls. If no depth buffer test well in the range 4m - 5 m. In order to obtain a sample of the shape and location of materials deposition in outline, then dug a few test with regular patterns such as rectangular or square (on the corner of the pattern has been dug wells test) with regularly spaced too (100m - 500 m), except when circumstances do not allow the field or topography. With the depth, size and distance from the test wells is limited.
Some things to note in the manufacture of test wells:
  1. The thickness of the laterite zone or residual at the location of manufacturing activity held test pit 
  2. The possibility of harmful gases that emerged as CO2 or H2S gas 
  3. Ground water level 
  4. The strength of the walls of the hole that was made, and 
  5. Hardness of bedrock.
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